
Showing posts from November, 2022

Alutila - A mysterious cave in Bangladesh to visit

  Overview Several  kilometers  between  Khagrachari  town  and  Aultila  hill.  There  is  a  cave  that  was  naturally  formed  by  a  stream  of  water  that  has  been  flowing  there  for  at  least  several  hundred  years.  This  tunnel,  called  Alutila  cave,  is  estimated  to  be  100  meters  long  and  is  exceedingly  dangerous.  People  refer  to  this  location  as  Alutila  since  the  hill  resembles  a  potato  (Alu  in  Bangla),  and  tila  is  the  word  for  hill.  Probably  one  of  Khagrachari  town's  most  popular  destinations  is  this  Alutil.  The  Cave  is  the  ideal  destination  for  adventure  lovers.  Despite  the  fact  that  this  cave  is  not  unsafe,  hundreds  of  visitors  still  leave  without  exploring  it n because  they  lack  confidence. Alutila mysterious cave Video link to watch: The  park  is  pleasant  on  its  own,  aside  from  the  cave.  From  the  park,  one  might  have  a  lovely  view  of  K

Lalakhal, Sylhet - An attractive destination to visit in Bangladesh

An overview  One   popular   tourist   destination   in   Jaintapur   Upazilla   is   Lalakhal,   which   is   surrounded   by   hills,   natural   forests,   tea   gardens,   and   rivers   beneath   the   Jainta   Hill,   which   is   a   part   of   India's   Meghalaya   Ranges.   The   river   Myntdu   enters   Lalakhal   as   the   Saree   after   flowing   from   the   Indian   portion,   and   after   passing   Sarighat,   it   merges   with   the   river   Guaiyan.   Due   to   the   minerals   in   the   water   and   the   sand   riverbed,   the   color   of   the   water   along   a   nearly   12-kilometer   length   of   the   river   from   Lalakhal   to   Sarighat   remains   translucent   green   in   winter   (as   well   as   other   seasons   without   rain).  There  is  a  "Lalakhal  Tea  Garden"  on  the  Saree  River's  eastern  bank. In  Lalakhal,  visitors  can  simultaneously  witness  a  river  with  green  water,  a  mountain  range,  and  a